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, p. 67.
(28) The British diplomat. See Chapter 13, [48.
(29) H. Rositzke, 'America's Secret Operations: a Perspective', Foreign Affairs, vol. 53 (January 1975), p. 338.
(30) Richard Hall, The Secret State: Australia's Spy Industry (Melbourne: Cassell Australia, 1978), p. 241.
(31) Respectively: Robert Harris, 'The Falklands Inquest', Listener, 24 June 1982; and Jeremy Campbell, 'Spy Plane Denied', Standard, 7 April 1982.
(32) Edward J. Epstein in interview with author, London, 29 June 1984.
(33) R. J. Jeffreys-Jones, 'The Historiography of the CIA', Historical Journal, vol. 23, no. 2 (1980), p. 495.
(34) Kirkpatrick in interview with Leitch, 1979.
(35) Kevin Cahill, 'Sh… the Following May Be a US Secret', The Times, 17 April 1984.
(36) Hillsman, 'On Intelligence'.
(37) Rositzke, ' America 's Secret Operations', p. 340.
(38) Richard Helms, 'The Secrets of Russian Espionage', Observer. 16 December 1979 .
(39) Respectively: 'Heart of the Matter', cit. at n. 5; and 'Can You Bore a Hole in the T-72?', Sunday Observer ( Bombay ), 4 March 1984 .
(40) Shyam Bhatia, 'Revealed-How the CIA Kept Watch on the Russians', Observer, 14 July 1985 .
(41) Herbert Scoville, 'Is Espionage Necessary?', p. 494.
(42) Stockwell in Hird interviews, and in 'Heart of the Matter', cit at n. 2 and 5.
(43) Stockwell in Hird interviews.
(44) Martin Page in interviews with author, 1967 and 1986.
(45) Hilary Bonner, 'The Spy Who Stayed Out in the Cold', Mail on Sunday, 30 December 1984 .
(46) David Jones, 'The Price of Freedom', Sunday Times Magazine, 1 December 1974 .
(47) Stockwell in 'Heart of the Matter', and in Hird interviews cit. at n. 5 and 2.
(48) Barrett, 'Honorable Espionage', p. 13.
(49) Hillsman, 'On Intelligence'.
(50) Young in 'Heart of the Matter', cit. at n. 5.
(51) Betts, 'Analysis, War and Decision', p. 79.
(52) Richard Hall, National Security and the Agent of Influence Myth (Sydney: Corradini Press, 1983), p. 19.
(53) Information provided by NEXIS, a news retrieval service from Mead Data Central.
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