А  Б  В  Г  Д  Е  Ж  З  И  Й  К  Л  М  Н  О  П  Р  С  Т  У  Ф  Х  Ц  Ч  Ш  Щ  Э  Ю  Я  A-Z


/ /__ ___ /=================\ ___ __\ \.
[4]-------> ___||___|====|[[[[[|||||||]]]]]|====|___||___ <------[4]
/ / |=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=| <-------------------[5]
.' / \_______ _______/ \ `.
: |___ |*| ___| :
.' | \_________________ |*| _________________/ | `.
: | ___________ ___ \ |*| / ___ ___________ | :
: |__/ \ / \_\\*//_/ \ / \__| :
: |______________:|:____:: **::****:|:********\ <---------[6]
.' /:|||||||||||||'`|;..:::::::::::..;|'`|||||||*|||||:\ `.
[7]----------> ||||||' .:::;~|~~~___~~~|~;:::. `|||||*|| <-------[7]
: |:|||||||||' .::'\ ..:::::::::::.. /`::. `|||*|||||:| :
: |:|||||||' .::' .:::''~~ ~~``:::. `::. `|\***\|:| :
: |:|||||' .::\ .::''\ | [9] | /``::: /::. `|||*|:| :
[8]------------>::' .::' \|_________|/ `::: `::. `|* <-----[6]
`. \:||' .::' ::'\ [9] . . . [9] /::: `::. *|:/ .'
: \:' :::'.::' \ . . / `::.`::: *:/ :
: | .::'.::'____\ [10] . [10] /____`::.`::.*| :
: | :::~::: | . . . | :::~:::*| :
: | ::: :: [9] | . . ..:.. . . | [9] :: :::*| :
: \ ::: :: | . :\_____________________________[11]
`. \`:: ::: ____| . . . |____ ::: ::'/ .'
: \:;~`::. / . [10] [10] . \ .::'~::/ :
`. \:. `::. / . . . \ .::' .:/ .'
: \:. `:::/ [9] _________ [9] \:::' .:/ :
`. \::. `:::. /| |\ .:::' .::/ .'
: ~~\:/ `:::./ | [9] | \.:::' \:/~~ :
`:=========\::. `::::... ...::::' .::/=========:'
`: ~\::./ ```:::::::::''' \.::/~ :'
`. ~~~~~~\| ~~~ |/~~~~~~ .'
`. \:::...:::/ .'
`. ~~~~~~~~~ .'
`. .'
`:. .:'
`::. .::'
`::.. ..::'
`:::.. ..:::'
`::::::... ..::::::'
[12]------------------> `:____:::::::::::____:' <-----------------[12]


- Diagram Outline -
[1] - Tail Cone
[2] - Stabilizing Tail Fins
[3] - Air Pressure Detonator
[4] - Air Inlet Tube(s)
[5] - Altimeter/Pressure Sensors
[6] - Electronic Conduits & Fusing Circuits
[7] - Lead Shield Container
[8] - Neutron Deflector (U-238)
[9] - Conventional Explosive Charge(s)
[10] - Plutonium (Pu-239)
[11] - Receptacle for Beryllium/Polonium mixture
to facilitate atomic detonation reaction.
[12] - Fuses (inserted to arm bomb)
=== Cut ===
С yважением, MeteO
--- GoldED 3.00.Beta3+
* Origin: Мой адpес не дом и не yлица, мой адpес (2:5020/1376.43)

1 2 3 4 5 

 плитка вейв бирюзовый